
"I think after the first delivery of Leopard, this fear was dispelled." Kuleba dismisses fears of escalation over Taurus

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Ukraine has once again asked Germany to supply Taurus cruise missiles amid an ongoing dispute in Berlin.

Amid the dispute in Germany, Ukraine has again asked the German government for Taurus cruise missiles. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba believes that fears of escalation are unfounded, as he said in an interview with the German RND, UNN reports.


"The final decision is up to Germany," said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. - "But I want everyone to know that we need these weapons.

Kuleba is quoted as saying that he "dismissed fears that the delivery of the Taurus cruise missiles could further draw Germany into a war with Russia." "I think that after the first delivery of Leopard tanks, this fear was dispelled. Since then, the argument about escalation has been removed," the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said.

Kuleba said that negotiations on the possible supply of Taurus cruise missiles between the Ukrainian and German governments are ongoing. He welcomed the Bundestag resolution, which on Thursday called on the government of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to supply Ukraine with additional "long-range weapons systems" by the votes of the "traffic light" coalition. However, the statement does not explicitly mention Taurus . The Ukrainian government has been calling on Berlin to provide Taurus cruise missiles since May last year. Scholz has so far blocked the delivery.

Despite the blockade, Kuleba refrained from criticizing the federal government. "Yes, we have an ongoing situation with Taurus," he said. - "But at the same time, Germany ranks first after the United States in terms of arms supplies. It is hard to complain when Germany provides us with so many weapons that we need to save lives and liberate our occupied territories.

Кулеба вважає, що Німеччина все ж таки поставить Україні ракети Taurus18.02.24, 14:30


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