
In Crimea, guerrillas recorded the transfer of Russian military equipment near the railroad in the Azov Sea

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Guerrillas in Crimea have recorded the transfer of Russian military equipment to a railway station in Azovskoye for transportation to the frontline in Ukraine.

In temporarily occupied Crimea, the military forces of the rf brought military equipment to the railway station in Azov. According to data of the ATESH guerrillas, the occupants are going to move it to Ukraine, reports UNN.


Partisans have discovered a concentration of military equipment of the occupants in the Azovskoye township. This is confirmed by satellite videos and images published by the guerrillas. According to the ATESH guerrilla movement, the equipment was brought to the local railway station for its subsequent transfer to the front.

In addition, the partisans found a place for systematic accumulation of various equipment for the same transfer by means of the railroad.

Knowing where the enemy collects equipment for transportation can very well help the occupants not reach their destination. More on that later.

- the partisans noted.

Уничтожение трех вражеских самолетов: Олещук в ответ на российское "потерь нет" показал, где искать сбитых "братьев"17.02.2024, 15:26


Earlier UNN wrote about how Ukrainian guerrillas conducted reconnaissance at the Russian airfield in Eysk, which is used for strikes against Ukraine, having established the numbers of aircraft and the location of missile weapons depots.

Tatiana Salganik



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