
In Kyiv, a minibus driver illegally transported 9 deer, one of which died

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A 22-year-old driver was detained for illegally transporting 9 deer in a minibus from Sumy to Rivne region.

In the capital, law enforcement officers detained a driver for cruelty to animals. He was illegally transporting ten mammalian deer in his minibus, one of which died as a result of improper transportation. This was reported by the Kyiv police on Thursday, UNN reports. 


Last night, at one of the checkpoints on the outskirts of Darnytsia district of Kyiv, police stopped a Renault vehicle for inspection. As a result, law enforcement officers found 9 mammalian deer inside the minibus, one of which died due to improper transportation.

Law enforcement officers found that the 22-year-old minibus driver was transporting spotted deer from Sumy to Rivne region without any permits. The investigation will find out what he planned to do with the animals.

The animals were seized and handed over to the zoo's specialists. The carcass of the dead deer was sent for appropriate examinations to determine the cause of death. 

The carrier was detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

The police initiated criminal proceedings under Part 1 Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - cruelty to animals. The issue of serving the driver a notice of suspicion is being decided. He may face imprisonment for up to three years for his actions.

Топчуться по кістках: поліція відкрила провадження через жахливі умови в притулку для тварин на Київщині21.01.24, 16:25

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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