
In occupied Mariupol, invaders form a register of "undesirable" residents

 • 16378 переглядiв

In the occupied Mariupol, the Russian invaders are forming a register of "undesirable" residents who will be banned from living in the city, while bringing in ethnic Russians and Central Asians to change the demographic composition.

Russians are forming registers of residents of occupied Mariupol who will be banned from living in the city. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports .


In particular, according to the CNS, these are people who are subject to deportation and those who will not be able to return.

600 residents returned to the city for various reasons. However, the enemy is afraid of the return of the "agents" of the Defense Forces and is creating a register of "undesirable" residents.

We have another crime of the Russian Federation, when residents are not allowed to live in their hometown, which was also destroyed by the Russian armed forces, because of the Kremlin's policy. At the same time, ethnic Russians and people from Central Asia are being brought to Mariupol. Thus, the demographic composition of the population is changing,

- the statement said.


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