
Israel to open situation center to coordinate Gaza aid distribution with WCK - Reuters

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Israel will open a situation center to coordinate aid distribution in Gaza with the World Central Kitchen following a deadly strike that killed seven aid workers.

Israel is opening a situation center to coordinate the distribution of aid to victims in Gaza after a deadly strike on the WCK humanitarian mission convoy. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


According to the publication, this statement was made by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. In particular, he announced that Israel will open a joint situation center with international groups to ensure coordination of aid distribution in Gaza with the military after the air raid that killed seven WCK humanitarian workers.

Al Jazeera: під час обстрілу в Газі загинули четверо іноземців02.04.24, 05:40


Humanitarian workers from World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed when their convoy was attacked shortly after they were watching 100 tons of food delivered to Gaza by sea.

Last month, WCK began delivering food aid to the starving in northern Gaza via a sea corridor from Cyprus in cooperation with the Spanish charity Open Arms. This decision was made after Israel refused to allow a UN organization whose employees had collaborated with Hamas terrorists to deal with this issue.

Майже півтисячі співробітників БАПОР у Газі є членами терористичних угруповань, зокрема й ХАМАС - ізраїльська розвідка04.03.24, 23:09

On March 26, 67 WCK kitchens began operating in Gaza, feeding 350,000 people a day. Operations have now been suspended following an Israeli air strike on a WCK convoy.

For reference

WCK is one of the leading providers of emergency assistance in places of natural disasters or human conflict.

This charitable organization also worked in Ukraine. Just five days after the Russian invasion in February 2022, its volunteers arrived in Ukraine and opened restaurants in five cities.


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