
Italian Eurofighter intercepts russian planes over the Baltic Sea

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Italian Eurofighter jets intercepted two russian planes flying over international waters in the Baltic Sea during a NATO air control mission on Thursday and Friday.

Italian Eurofighter jets intercepted two unidentified aircraft flying over the Baltic Sea. The planes were identified as russian.

This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


The Italian Air Force reported two interceptions of unidentified aircraft flying over international waters in the Baltic Sea.

According to official statements by the Italian authorities, the incidents occurred on Thursday and Friday, when Eurofighter jets based at Poland's Malbork base were conducting a NATO air control mission.

Two of the aircraft were identified as russian.

After the operation, the Italian fighter jets returned to the Polish base, but did not provide additional details about the incident.

Польські ВПС підняли винищувачі F-16 у повітря24.03.24, 05:35


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