
Khmelnytskyi region: the newly created Volunteer Fire Brigade has started its work

 • 57961 переглядiв

A volunteer fire brigade of 2 women and 5 men trained in Poland has started working in Khmelnytsky Oblast to help rescuers in emergencies with the help of new equipment received from Polish partners.

A voluntary fire brigade has started working in Khmelnytsky region. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


A newly created Volunteer Fire Brigade, consisting of 2 women and 5 men trained in Poland, has started working in Khmelnytsky Oblast.

The volunteer firefighters have gained valuable experience from their mentors and are ready to put it into practice by helping the region's emergency responders.

They will respond to challenges with new equipment received from Polish partners; and will be fully equipped with the necessary equipment.

Кабмін затвердив законопроєкт про добудову енергоблоків №3 та №4 на Хмельницькій АЕС02.04.24, 15:40


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