
Kuleba: "Our priority is Ukraine's victory on the real front and assistance to Moldova on the information front"

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Ukraine's priority is to defeat Russia on the battlefield and help Moldova defeat Russian propaganda on the information front.

Ukraine's priority is to defeat Russia on the real front and help the Republic of Moldova win on the information front. This was stated by Kyiv-based Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba for Deschide.MD, according to UNN.

We wish the Republic of Moldova all the best, we will always support the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, and if there is anything we can do to protect you from the malicious influence of Russia in the context of this referendum, we will be there to help. ...Our priority is to see Ukraine win on the real front and to help the Republic of Moldova win on the information front.

 ," said Dmytro Kuleba.


According to the Ukrainian foreign minister, Russia will use its entire media machine and agents in Moldova to reshape the results of the referendum on European integration scheduled for the fall.

He also named the tools that the Kremlin regime will use to steal the results of the presidential election and referendum in Moldova.

You don't need to be a missile expert or an intelligence officer to understand what Russia is going to do. They are going to use their media machine and their agents in the Republic of Moldova to discredit the current government of the Republic of Moldova and the very idea that the Republic of Moldova can be an independent and European state. So, if you find a way to cut off the access of Russian propaganda to the minds and hearts of your citizens, you will be safe and the expression of the citizens' choice will not be distorted by these influences. It's not easy to do and to achieve in a 21st century democracy where everyone spends hours, days and nights on their smartphones, but you have to find a way. Otherwise, Russia will continue to distort reality and perceptions in the Republic of Moldova.

- Kuleba warned.

Суд у Молдові скасував заборону для проросійській партії брати участь у виборах27.03.24, 15:57

The Foreign Minister from Kyiv reaffirmed Ukraine's support for the government and citizens of the Republic of Moldova, as well as its readiness to help Chisinau resist Russia's malicious influence.


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