
Lithuania calls on NATO to speed up transition to war economy

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Lithuania calls on NATO allies to urgently shift to a war economy, increasing defense spending to at least 2% of GDP and expanding military production to deter Russia.

NATO should not waste time in increasing production to keep up with the Russian military economy. This was stated by Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurinas Kasciunas, Bloomberg reports, UNN writes.


The Defense Minister said that North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies should "prepare as soon as possible" by increasing defense spending to at least 2% of gross domestic product.

If you are strong, you will deter them. If you want peace with Russia, be strong,

- Kasciunas said.

The minister emphasized that he would seek to increase defense spending to 3.2% of GDP in the country of 2.8 million people. The Lithuanian government plans to discuss additional taxes and borrowing this month to finance the growth. EU member states should also come together for joint defense procurement, Kasciunas said, citing the Baltic states' initiative to buy HIMARS systems.

He added that Europe's defense industry should not be "protectionist" but rather "open to America.

Kasciunas said his goal would be to increase the ranks of conscripts and involve broader segments of society in defense planning and training. Drone production needs to be expanded, he said, adding that drone training should be as commonplace as practicing for a driver's license.

He praised Germany's military deployment in the country - a "great, colossal deterrent" - part of an ambition to expand to a full brigade of about 5,000 troops in three years.

Germany is making a lot of efforts, increasing spending, and increasing support for Ukraine,

- Kasciunas added.


Lithuania has offered to dismantle its closed thermal power plants and provide Ukraine with spare parts to help rebuild energy facilities damaged by Russian attacks.


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