
Lysohor: Enemy is massively issuing summonses in Luhansk region as if "forming a mobilization reserve"

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In the Russian-occupied part of the Luhansk region, the enemy is massively issuing summonses, allegedly forming a mobilization reserve, and schools are holding propaganda lessons on "unity with Russia" that children are forced to listen to on their knees.

In the Russian-occupied part of Luhansk region, there are new signs of forced mobilization, in particular, in Sorokyne and Molodohvardiysk, calls are being issued en masse. Propaganda lessons are being held in educational institutions in the so-called "luhansk people's republic", in one of the schools of the so-called "luhansk people's republic" people listen to propaganda lessons on their knees, writes the head of the Luhansk regional military administration Artem Lysogor, reports UNN.


Luhansk RMA reported on the situation in the occupied and de-occupied territories:

This week, the military began to hand out summonses on a massive scale in Sorokine and Molodogvardeisk. In an attempt to calm the population, the Russian military assures that this does not mean going to war tomorrow. It's like they are forming a mobilization reserve," Artem Lysogor, head of the Luhansk RMA, said in his Telegram.

It is pointed out that the representatives of the Russian Federation have not announced the planned indicators of forced mobilization, but locals believe that "what was expected after the elections has begun.

In addition, in the so-called "lPR" they hold propaganda lessons.

On Mondays, propaganda lessons are held in educational institutions in the so-called "lPR". In particular, they talk about the "unity of the peoples of the Russian Federation". According to the order of the director of one of the schools, during such lessons, children have to listen to the unity of the "people of the lPR" on their knees. This is how the generation of the future is being broken," notes Lysogor.

Окупанти на ТОТ зганяють "бюджетників" на мітинги в пам’ять загиблих у москві25.03.24, 15:36

As for the hostilities, according to the Luhansk RMA, the Russian Federation's attacks were focused on the Bilohorivka direction. The assaults were conducted with the use of aviation and artillery of various calibers. Currently, all enemy attempts to advance in this area have been stopped.

We also continue to record the consequences of this year's attacks on our de-occupied villages, writes Lysohor.


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