
"More weapons for Ukraine, in particular air defense systems" - Shmyhal on the approval of US aid

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The US Congress approved $61 billion in aid to Ukraine, including $49.9 billion for defense, $7.8 billion in budget support, $1.57 billion in economic assistance, and $400 million for border protection and demining, more weapons, long-range and air defense systems, and funds for recovery and reconstruction.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal thanked the House of Representatives of the US Congress, which approved a bill to help Ukraine. He wrote about this in his Telegram, UNN reports.


According to the Prime Minister, the total amount of aid is almost $61 billion, including:

➖ 49.9 billion - defense spending

➖ 7.8 billion - potential budget support

➖ 1.57 billion - economic assistance

400 million - funds for border protection and humanitarian demining.

We expect the bill to be successfully approved by the Senate in the coming days. Its implementation will mean more weapons for Ukraine, including long-range and air defense systems. Strengthening macro-financial stability, including in the financing of the highest-priority budget expenditures. Continuing rapid recovery, especially of critical infrastructure

Shmygal emphasized. 

In addition, the Ukrainian prime minister expressed gratitude to the House of Representatives for passing an act on the possibility of confiscating Russian sovereign assets in favor of Ukraine. U.S. lawmakers give the President of the United States the authority to do so.

We will get an important resource for victory and reconstruction. I call on other countries where Russian assets are stored to follow suit

said the Prime Minister of Ukraine.


On April 20, the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of a bill providing $60 billion in defense aid to Ukraine - the decision was supported by 310 congressmen. 

Посолка України в США відреагувала на схвалення Палатою представників допомоги Україні20.04.24, 21:24


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