
Parliamentary Commission indicted Lithuanian President in "whistleblower case"

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A Lithuanian parliamentary commission concluded that the head of the State Security Department helped President Nausėda in the 2019 election campaign by collecting intelligence on his inner circle.

A Lithuanian parliamentary commission that conducted a parliamentary investigation into the so-called "whistleblower case" concluded that the State Security Department provided services to President Gitanas Nausėda when he ran for office in 2019. UNN writes about this with reference to the Lithuanian public broadcaster


According to the commission's conclusion, the director of the Department, Darius Jauniskis, received a list of names from Nausėda's team for verification either from the president himself or from someone on his instructions.

The Commission concluded that the information about Gitanas Nausėda's inner circle was obtained by the Director of the Department, Darius Jauniškis, from a human source, which could only be Gitanas Nausėda himself or a person acting on his behalf

- the commission's draft conclusion says.

The report also states that the information gathered during the criminal intelligence investigation confirms that "the information gathering task was performed at the request of one of the candidates in the 2019 presidential election.

The findings state that Jauniškis assisted Nausėda by gathering intelligence on people in his inner circle, including members of his team, his campaign staff, and supporters.

The report also says that Jauniskis is responsible for revealing the identity of the whistleblower, a former state security officer who was tasked with investigating Nausėda's team.

Jauniškis is directly responsible for disclosing the identity of whistleblower Thomas Gailius

- the project says.

The document also says that Jauniškis did not take any measures to prevent negative consequences for Gailius in the intelligence agency after he exposed the case.

President Nausėda has denied any wrongdoing alleged by Gailius. He also refused to testify in the parliamentary commission's investigation, which the commission concluded violated his oath of office.

The president's office said the investigation was political and aimed at influencing the results of the presidential election in May.

This is an attempt to discredit the state and its constitutional principles for political purposes

- the president's office said.

The document will now be considered by the full parliament, the Sejm.


The Commission investigated the information provided by Gailus about the actions of the leadership of the State Security Department in checking Nausėda's inner circle when he ran for president five years ago. The Commission also looked into alleged illegal financial support received during the 2019 presidential election campaign, possible violation of whistleblower rights, and possible unlawful influence on the imposition of sanctions against Belarus.

Українські військові привітали нового очільника Міноборони Литви та обговорили розширення двосторонньої оборонної співпраці27.03.24, 18:08

Anastasia Ryabokon

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