
Partisans scouted Russian fortifications in Crimea and left "gifts" for the occupiers

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The guerrillas reconnoitered Russian fortifications in the occupied Crimea and left "gifts" for the invaders.

The guerrillas conducted reconnaissance at the fortifications of Russian troops in the Black Sea region of the temporarily occupied Crimea and called on the Russians to "walk more carefully" as they were left "gifts" at the facility. The ATESH movement reported this in Telegram, UNN reports .

Agents of our movement managed to get to the enemy's construction site in the village of Okunivka, Chornomorsk district. We studied the progress of construction and the enemy's defense plans. We managed to hide several gifts for the racists. Be careful, please,

- the statement said.

At the same time, the Russian military continues to actively strengthen its positions in the occupied territories, deepening trenches and intensifying defense measures.

Coordinates: 45.367709, 32.777324.

During our work, we learned about large-scale embezzlement at the facility. Total Russian corruption is our main ally,

- ATES members added.


The ATESH guerrillas recorded the deployment of an entire division of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft  missile systems in the Saky district of Crimea.


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