
Pyshnyi named the conditions under which the NBU will continue to ease currency restrictions

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The NBU expects businesses to use the opportunities of currency liberalization responsibly by returning export earnings to Ukraine rather than keeping them abroad.

In order for the National Bank to continue to ease currency restrictions, businesses must use the opportunities provided responsibly - export earnings must come to Ukraine, not remain abroad. This was stated by NBU Governor Andriy Pyshnyi during a telethon, a correspondent of UNN reports.

In order for us to continue to ease currency restrictions, we need businesses to take advantage of this opportunity as responsibly as possible. Export revenues should come to Ukraine. It should not remain abroad, and therefore, we will further tighten the requirements for currency control and control over the return of export earnings 

- Pyshny said.

According to him, any unproductive outflow of capital by the National Bank will immediately be subject to a rather harsh reaction within the framework of the current legislation.

We very much hope that the businesses that have been insisting on the possibility of currency liberalization will take advantage of this not to take out the relevant funds, but to create additional opportunities. In order to create an opportunity to attract friendly capital to Ukraine, in order to create an opportunity to attract new borrowed funds to Ukraine, in order to pay rent... We do not expect this decision to have any negative impact on macrofinancial stability. On the contrary, in the medium term, it will open up additional opportunities for investment capital inflows 

- Pyshnyi said.

He noted that in the short term, the NBU expects that the volume of borrowed funds and, accordingly, the commercial activity of entrepreneurs will increase.

And then, as always during this war, we must act in a coordinated and responsible manner. Of course, we will monitor the effectiveness of this decision, weigh the risks and assess the situation 

- Pyshny said.

Addendum Addendum

The NBU Board has adopted a number of changesthat will improve the business environment in Ukraine and the entry of Ukrainian businesses into new markets. They will also support economic recovery and facilitate the inflow of new investments into the country.


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