
"In June, the path to a just peace may begin" - Zelenskyy talks about preparations for the Summit in Switzerland

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Representatives from all continents will take part in the inaugural Peace Summit in June, aimed at paving the way for a just peace and forcing Russia to comply with international laws and conventions.

The inaugural Peace Summit to be held in June will be attended by representatives of all continents of the world. It is in June that the path to a just peace can begin, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his evening address on Sunday, April 28, UNN reports. 

We continue to prepare for the first, inaugural Peace Summit in June, and our team, along with the teams of our key partners, is working to make the Summit truly global. We can say for sure that all continents will be represented - different parts of the world, different views on global development. But all of them are united by the same recognition that the UN Charter and basic international conventions are binding documents for every country in the world, including a country like Russia, where madness reigns

- said the President.

The President emphasized that the world majority must force Russia to peace and can do so. It is in June that the path to a just peace can begin, Zelenskyy noted. 

He also said that Ukraine is preparing for the NATO summit to be held this summer.  Zelenskyy noted that a strong political signal is needed from NATO. 

The Alliance should not be afraid of its own strength and hide from its own foundations. Every country that shares common values and is ready to actually defend them deserves to be invited to join the Alliance

  - summarized the Head of State.


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