
Repression in the occupied territories: Local people are being sentenced for resistance to the aggressor - Fedorov

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In the occupied territories, the authorities punish local residents for expressing opposition, condemning them for allegedly "dissenting" and supporting the Ukrainian forces.

In the occupied territories, the authorities are taking strict measures against "dissent". Local residents are convicted for expressing their opposition to the aggressor.

This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Ivan Fedorov, UNN reports.


russians in the temporarily occupied territories continue to terrorize the local population.

As a result, several cases of severe punishment for so-called "dissent" took place in the occupied lands.

A local resident was convicted for allegedly concealing information about a possible terrorist attack on the railroad.

A believer of one of the churches was also taken to court for lying about the army of the aggressor country.

In addition, a Berdiansk resident who expressed support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a social network came under the attention of russian investigators. The man was initially kidnapped, is currently on trial and has already been included in the list of "terrorists" and "extremists".

The occupiers' statements about the defendants' "repentance" are especially cynical. The bloody methods of russians to "persuade" those who disagree have been known to the whole world for 100 years

- Ivan Fedorov said .

рф продовжує терор на захоплених територіях: розстріли, викрадення та репресії - Федоров05.03.24, 23:35


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