
Resistance: Russians are taking industrial equipment out of Donetsk region under the guise of scrap metal

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Russians are exporting industrial equipment from the occupied territories of Donetsk region under the guise of scrap metal and sending it to Russia.

Russian invaders are exporting industrial equipment from the occupied territories of Donetsk region to Russia under the guise of scrap metal. This was reported by the national resistance, UNN reports.

Details  [1

The next wave of audits of industrial enterprises is taking place in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk region. Here, the occupiers are compiling lists of equipment that has not yet been looted and is valuable

the statement reads

The resistance reports that it will later be shipped to Russia under the guise of scrap metal to be used for their own purposes.

The CNS reminds that the occupation authorities in the TOT initially carried out the so-called "nationalization" of all Ukrainian enterprises.

This made it possible to allegedly "legally" dispose of their property. Mostly, scrap is allegedly taken out of the plants and sent to Russia through the port in Berdiansk.

The looting is carried out by collaborating contractors under the supervision of Russian Armed Forces soldiers," the resistance said in a statement.

added to the CNS.

Окупанти примушують українських дітей робити обереги для військових рф - Центр спротиву12.04.24, 15:02

Lilia Podolyak



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