
Russian propaganda creates the illusion of increased attention to the "inauguration" of dictator Putin: the NSDC explained the reasons

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Russian propaganda manipulates data to create the impression that Putin's "inauguration" was widely broadcast around the world, despite the boycott of major TV channels and the few foreign representatives who attended the event, underscoring Russia's growing isolation due to Putin's policies.

Russian propaganda manipulates data on the coverage of the "inauguration" of dictator Putin, massively spreading reports that TV channels from many countries broadcast this event live, despite the scant number of foreign representatives, UNN reports with reference to the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council.


However, according to the CenTr, the world's top-rated TV channels ignored Putin's "inauguration," but a number of media outlets did broadcast the event. Some of these media outlets are loyal to the Russian Federation, while others directly stated that Putin is a dictator and that the elections held, including in the occupied territories of Ukraine, are illegitimate. 

путін на "інавгурації" запевняв у готовності до діалогу із Заходом і говорив про рф: аналітики не побачили нічого неочікуваного07.05.24, 12:55

Through its manipulations, propaganda tries to create the impression that Russia is not isolated in the world. The narrative that Russia is "still respected" abroad is being pushed to the domestic audience. In fact, Putin's policies have made Russia a global pariah, and the massive boycott of the "inauguration" even by foreign countries that were previously considered partners of Russia is a direct confirmation of this 

- the Center reported.

росіяни привезли на "інавгурацію" путіна масовку з мешканців окупованих територій України - Центр нацспротиву 07.05.24, 15:51


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