
SBU detains three high-ranking officials of Kyiv, Rivne and Odesa customs: suspected of taking bribes

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Three high-ranking officials from Kyiv, Rivne, and Odesa regions were detained by the Security Service of Ukraine for systematically extorting bribes from importers.

Law enforcement officers detained three high-ranking officials of regional customs who imposed a "tribute" on Ukrainian importers of foreign products. UNN reports this with reference to the SBU press service. 

The Security Service eliminated corruption schemes operating at the customs offices of Kyiv, Rivne and Odesa regions. As a result of complex measures, three officials, who are members of the management of the customs authorities, were detained

- , the SBU said in a statement.

According to the agency, the defendants imposed a "tribute" on Ukrainian entrepreneurs who import foreign products into our country. 

 For example, in Rivne, the first deputy head of the regional customs office was notified of suspicion. The official reportedly set up a scheme to systematically extort bribes for unimpeded customs clearance of foreign goods. In case of non-payment, carriers were expected to face "additional" inspections of cargo and accompanying documentation.

This led to artificial delays in customs control and, as a result, disrupted the contractual obligations of importers to deliver products to customers on time, the SBU added. 

In Kyiv, law enforcement officers jointly detained the deputy head of one of the customs posts of the capital's customs office red-handed, who was regularly "extorting" companies engaged in foreign economic activity. 

According to the investigation, the official extorted money from entrepreneurs for not creating artificial obstacles during customs clearance of foreign goods.

Reportedly, he involved a customs broker in his illegal activities, who acted as an intermediary to conduct "negotiations" with importers and transfer the bribes received "up the hill".

 In Odesa region, the SBI jointly with the State Bureau of Investigation exposed the head of a customs post for corruption. The official acted as part of a criminal group he created, which included several subordinates and a customs broker.

The offenders demanded different amounts of bribes from importers, depending on the volume and type of goods.

Based on the obtained materials, three customs officials and two of their accomplices were served a notice of suspicion under Part 3 Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Bribery in a particularly large amount or by an official holding a particularly responsible position). The offenders face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Посадовця київської митниці затримали на хабарі12.04.24, 17:19


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