
Streaming audio: the European Parliament calls for fair pay for musicians

 • 26108 переглядiв

The European Parliament is calling for a reform of the streaming music market to ensure fair remuneration for authors and performers. A proposed EU draft law could oblige platforms to increase the transparency of their algorithms and recommendation tools.

Most authors and performers currently receive very low pay given the music streaming market. The European Parliament wants to reform the streaming music market, UNN reports with reference to Deutschlandfunk.


The distribution of revenues from the streaming music market currently leads to the majority of authors and performers living on very low incomes, MEPs condemned on Wednesday.

The European Parliament proposes that remuneration should be regulated more strictly: a draft EU law should oblige platforms to make their algorithms and recommendation tools transparent.

Підтримка Єврокомісії рішення розпочати скринінг українського законодавства – важливий етап на шляху України до ЄС – Шмигаль17.01.24, 13:57

In a (non-binding) resolution adopted by 532 votes to 61, with 33 abstentions, the elected representatives insist on creating a legal framework for the music streaming sector.

In addition, MEPs propose labeling songs created by artificial intelligence (AI). They also refer to studies that show that revenues from the streaming business primarily benefit major labels and individual popular artists.


The global volume of streaming music grew to 7.1 trillion in 2023; on-demand audio streams reached a record 4 trillion, up 33.7% year-on-year.

Фільм про життя Майкла Джексона вийде у 2025 році14.01.24, 00:10

Ihor Telezhnikov

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