
Successful Attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Russian Oil Refineries Showed the Shortcomings of Covering Russian Cities with S-300 and S-400 Systems - "ATESH"

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Ukrainian drones successfully attacked Russian oil refineries, exposing the inability of Russia's S-300 and S-400 air defense systems to counter such threats in urban areas.

The recent successful attacks by Ukrainian drones on oil refineries, which were not countered by the Russian Federation, are a cause for serious concern for the Kremlin authorities, as they show the inability of the Russian armed forces to counter these threats. This was reported by the underground guerrilla movement "ATESH", UNN reports .


It is noted that Ukrainian long-range drones have demonstrated their effectiveness and superiority in attacks from refineries in Russia. They were able to prove the helplessness of the Russian air defense and the defenselessness of cities against possible future attacks.

Our agent from the air defense unit provided information about the great difficulties with covering cities in Russia with S-300/S-400 systems. This is due to the fact that these systems are involved in the so-called "SVE". Based on this information, we can assume that such problems may arise in other cities as well,

- the statement said.


Russian oil refineries have been instructed to purchase Shpak electronic warfare systems to counter Ukrainian long-range drones following recent successful attacks.


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