
"Tax on cowardice": Stefanchuk speaks about linking bookings to income level

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The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada admits the possibility of changing the system of mobilization reserves to make it depend on the level of a person's income, but is skeptical of this idea from a historical perspective.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, admits the possibility of changing the system of reservations for citizens from mobilization so that this reservation depends on the level of income of the person. Although he himself is skeptical about this idea. He said this in an interview with Suspilne, UNN reports.

"At one time, if I'm not mistaken, in the 12th or 13th century in England, there was a 'cowardice tax'. People paid money to avoid becoming a knight. And this tax later existed in many countries. I don't know of a country where it worked historically," Stefanchuk said.

But, according to Stefanchuk, the economic aspect of this issue is "not the least of the issues.

У Мінекономіки означили кроки, які потрібно здійснити для удосконалення системи бронювання 26.02.24, 14:55

"For one soldier who defends Ukraine, there should be eight people who provide economic support for this soldier. The economy is not the last thing either. We need to find those measures and means that can contribute to raising the level of the economy," added Stefanchuk.


The day before, Oleksiy Honcharenko, a member of the European Solidarity faction, said that the government plans to link the possibility of receiving a mobilization reservation to the level of salary. According to him, those who receive a salary of 35,000 hryvnias or more, pay personal income tax of at least 6,300 hryvnias and unified social tax of at least 7,700 hryvnias will be able to receive reservations.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that the government is working to make the booking parameters fair.

According to him, for reservations from mobilization, they will take into account, among other things, the payment of taxes and the amount of salary.


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"Tax on cowardice": Stefanchuk speaks about linking bookings to income level

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