
The dismembered body of a civilian was killed and burned: Kharkiv region: SBU identifies three occupants who abused civilians

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The SBU identified three Russian servicemen who committed war crimes in Kharkiv, including the murder and dismemberment of a local farmer. The suspects also looted property that they were trying to take to Russia.

The Security Service and the National Police have identified three more Russian occupiers who committed war crimes against the civilian population in the the temporarily occupied territory of Kharkiv region. This was reported was reported by the press service of the Security Service of Ukraine, according to UNN.

These are two soldiers of the 7th separate motorized rifle regiment of the Russian armed forces, Vitaliy Piddubny and Oleksiy Gorbunov, as well as Ruslan Goncharov, a soldier from the 202nd motorized rifle regiment of the aggressor country,

- the statement said.


In the spring of 2022, they participated in the seizure of Kupiansk and Izium districts of the region and carried out punitive actions against against local residents.

During such "raids," the Nazis abducted and killed people en masse. and killed people.

According to the investigation, during one of these "raids" on Shevchenkivska community in Kupiansk district, Piddubnyi shot a local farmer with a a local farmer with an assault rifle.

In an attempt to conceal the crime, the defendant, together with Horbunov and Honcharov, dismembered the body of the murdered man and then burned it,

- the SBU said.

The perpetrators also broke into civilian and stole private property, including cars, household appliances and money. In case of resistance, the racists threatened to kill young children.

It is documented that in this way the suspects took away 6 cars and trucks. According to the available data, the invaders tried to transport the looted property tried to transport the looted property to their place of residence in Russia.

Based on the collected evidence, all three war criminals were served were served suspicion notices in absentia under Part 2 of Article 28 and Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons).

In addition, Piddubny's criminal actions are additionally qualified under Part 2 of Article 28 and Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder, committed by by a group of persons).

Гвалтували жінок і катували полонених: СБУ ідентифікувала військових рф, які вчиняли звірства на Донеччині05.12.23, 15:55


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