
The Ministry of Health did not record adverse events after vaccination with AstraZeneca vaccine - Kuzin

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No adverse events have been reported in Ukraine after vaccination with AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines, while 80% of those who died from influenza or COVID-19 were unvaccinated.

The Ministry of Health has not recorded any adverse events after vaccination with both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines. This was announced during a telethon by Deputy Minister of Health and Chief State Sanitary Doctor Ihor Kuzin, UNN reports.

To date, we have not reported any related cases with either AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccines. But at the same time, we understand that even in the instructions for use of vaccines, with a rather low probability of 1 in a million 1 in 10 million, severe anaphylactic reactions can be used or recorded in certain patients. This percentage is extremely low and it is acceptable for the use of the vaccine. (...) But in Ukraine, no such cases have been registered

- Kuzin said.

At the same time, according to him, 80% of people who die either from influenza or coronavirus infection are people who have not been vaccinated. "And these are, in fact, very high numbers," Kuzin said.

He cited figures: in total, just over 4.5 million people fell ill in Ukraine during the epidemic season, of whom just over 150,000 were infected with covid. At the same time, about 1,100 fatalities were registered, and of these, he said, "the vast majority are deaths from covid, because covid affects a smaller segment of the population, but still affects more people.

Kuzin noted that covid "has now become such a familiar disease for all of us." "And it will circulate with the flu every epidemic season. That is, if earlier we started calling for vaccination in September and ended the epidemic season somewhere in May, sometimes even in mid-May, now covid has been added to this entire list of infectious diseases, such as influenza, acute respiratory viral infections," the deputy minister said.

Вакцину AstraZeneca вилучають з ринку по всьому світу08.05.24, 01:42

Julia Shramko



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