
The occupation court of Crimea fined the Muslim community "Alushta" for 100 thousand rubles for keeping books of Islamic theologians - "Crimean Solidarity"

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A Russian-controlled court in Crimea has fined the Alushta Muslim community 100,000 rubles for possessing Islamic theological books in what was seen as a continuation of religious persecution.

In temporarily occupied Crimea, Russian authorities continue to persecute Crimean Tatars from the Alushta Muslim community. The Russian-controlled The court in Alushta  fined the Muslim community 100,000 rubles for keeping books of Islamic theologians. This is reported by the public Crimean Solidarity" with reference to the lawyer Rustem Kyamilev , reports UNN.

I see this fine as an ongoing pressure on our religious community. 

 - Abdul Gafarov, chairman of the Muslim community "Alushta", commented on the court's decision.


On December 20, 2023, in the city court of the Russian-occupied city of Alushta, the second court session was held in relation to the independent Muslim religious community "Alushta". against the independent Muslim religious community "Alushta"

According to According to the lawyer of the religious community, the Russian Federation-controlled Alushta City court incriminated the Muslims with an article on "dissemination extremist materials."

In particular, we are talking about Five publications in particular: "Islam, Faith, Worship" by Osman Nuri Topbash, "The Value of Zikr", "Prophet Muhammad 2", "History of the Caliphate" by Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, "History of the Caliphate" by Ali ibn Abu Talib. Caliphate" by Ali ibn Abu Talib.


In November, several members of the of the community were subjected to administrative harassment.

On November 23, Imam of the Crimean Tatar imam Yusuf Ashirov was given two days of administrative arrest for allegedly violating public order, which, according to his lawyer, was caused by the imam's refusal to support the state mufti. the state muftiate.

On the same day  Alushta City Court issued sentences to two more religious figures of the Muslim community "Alushta". to two more religious figures of the Muslim community "Alushta". Crimean Tatar Vilen Useinov was sentenced to 10 days in prison for a post on the social media in 2013. And another, detainee Zinur Appazov, received 5 days for a 2016 video clip. 

The head of the Muslim religious community "Alushta" Abdul Gafarov was detained by Russian security forces  on November 30 in temporarily occupied Crimea. Before Before his detention, his house was searched.

Tatiana Salganik

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