
The Verkhovna Rada is considering two models of economic booking - Arahamia

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Two models of economic reservation are discussed: one where persons liable for military service pay 35,000 hryvnias in taxes for the maintenance of a soldier, and the other with industry quotas where companies pay the minimum wage of a soldier for each reserved employee.

Currently, there are two models of economic booking that are being discussed. This was stated by the head of the Servant of the People parliamentary faction, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, David Arakhamia, during a briefing, an UNN correspondent reports .

There are two models of economic booking. They are being discussed, there are discussions around these topics. On the one hand, we understand that we cannot spend even a single dollar of this huge aid on military salaries, and we want to raise them. On the other hand, in order for this money to appear, the economy must work, but it is a matter of fairness. Many opponents say that then the rich do not serve, and the poor go to the army

- Arakhamia said.

According to him, the first model stipulates that the amount of taxes on the salary of a person liable for military service should be 35 thousand UAH, which is enough to support a soldier.

Arakhamia noted that the second model is quota booking by industry.

For example, the media. Let's say you have 10% of the people you can book. It's up to the manager to decide who it will be. And you pay the minimum wage of a soldier for this every month. Currently, the minimum is UAH 20 thousand, which means that you pay UAH 20 thousand for each person you book on top of your taxes every month

- Arakhamia explained.


In April, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal instructed the relevant ministries to introduce an updated resolution on reservations for persons liable for military service and to define an exhaustive list of critical infrastructure facilities and enterprises.


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