
Trudeau and Tusk discuss ways to increase pressure on russia to help Ukraine

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The prime ministers of Poland and Canada discussed the use of frozen russian funds to help Ukraine and increase pressure on russia over its invasion.

The prime ministers of Poland and Canada discussed the steps necessary to start using frozen russian funds for the benefit of Ukraine. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said this at a joint press conference after a meeting in Warsaw, UNN reports citing Polish media.


During the joint conference, Tusk emphasized that Poland and Canada have identical positions on almost every issue when it comes to the most important geopolitical issues, including russia's attack on Ukraine.

We have similar impressions and intentions. Ukraine needs our help in the war against russia, and all Western countries must act more decisively. We have at least several opportunities to increase pressure on Russia, and in a very visible way

- He said.

The Prime Minister emphasized that he had spoken with Trudeau about the assets of the russian central bank frozen in Western and global banks, including in Japan. He said that Poland would work together with its partners to decide how to use these funds in favor of Ukraine and against russian aggression.

Дуда заявив, що Польща підтримує і буде підтримувати Україну в її боротьбі проти рф24.02.24, 13:55

In his turn, Trudeau emphasized that he and his Polish counterpart share the same views on helping Ukraine.

I am a true friend of Ukraine, and together we support this country in its fight against the russian invasion

- Trudeau said.

He thanked them for hosting Canadian soldiers in Poland and for the fact that Ukrainian soldiers were able to take advantage of the training organized for them.

Важливий внесок у посилення нашої стійкості – Зеленський про безпекову угоду з Канадою24.02.24, 18:16


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