
Ukraine faces ammunition crisis due to reduction of air defense missiles

 • 51692 переглядiв

Ukraine is facing an acute shortage of ammunition, which threatens to make it unable to defend cities from Russian missile attacks by the end of the month.

Ukraine is reportedly so short of ammunition that it will run out of air defense missiles to defend its cities by the end of the month. This was reported by The Telegraph, according to UNN .


This means that instead of trying to shoot down four out of five Russian missiles, as it does now, Ukraine will soon have to allocate its air defense systems to shoot down only one out of five.

This will have a "significant impact on Ukraine's urban centers," the Washington Post quoted two Ukrainian officials as telling U.S. officials at a security conference this year.

the statement reads

Politicians in the United States are engaged in a fierce debate over whether to maintain military aid to Ukraine, which currently stands at about 31.3 billion pounds.

Артилерія та ППО: Зеленський передав Шольцу пріоритетні потреби Сил оборони14.03.24, 17:41


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