
Ukraine must restore its territorial integrity: Visegrad Foreign Ministers make statement

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The Visegrad foreign ministers agreed that Ukraine should restore its territorial integrity after Russian aggression, although Hungary and Slovakia did not explicitly confirm their support for this statement.

Following the meeting of the Visegrad Group foreign ministers, the participants agreed that Ukraine should restore its territorial integrity. This was stated by Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky at the final briefing in Prague and confirmed by his Polish counterpart Radoslaw Sikorski, UNN reports with reference to Radio Liberty.

"First of all, we agreed that Russian aggression against Ukraine is a violation of international law, and we also agreed that Ukraine must fully restore its territorial integrity," Lipavsky said.

Польща надасть логістичну підтримку чеському плану постачання боєприпасів в Україну - Сікорський21.03.24, 15:31

At a briefing, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto and his Slovak counterpart Juraj Blanar did not directly confirm their countries' support for the statement, but neither did they deny it.

At the same time, the Slovak minister reiterated Bratislava's position: "This conflict has no military solution. Therefore, we are not going to provide any weapons to Ukraine.


Earlier, the leaders of Hungary, Viktor Orban, and Slovakia, Robert Fico, called for a ceasefire and the start of peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. They did not mention the return of the occupied territories to Kyiv's control as a prerequisite for such talks.


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