
Ukraine signs agreement with the US to defer debt payments

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Ukraine and the United States sign a bilateral agreement to postpone payments on Ukraine's public debt, allowing Ukraine to use the funds for social and humanitarian needs during the war.

Ukraine and the United States have signed a bilateral agreement to postpone payments on public debt, which will allow Ukraine to allocate funds for social and humanitarian needs during the war. This was reported on Friday by the Ministry of Finance, UNN reports.


As stated, the "bilateral agreement on deferral of payments on the public debt" was signed during a meeting between Finance Minister Sergiy Marchenko and US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink.

"The signing of this agreement will allow us to reduce the debt burden on the state budget and to allocate the funds that were to be paid for the repayment and servicing of debt obligations to the needs of the social and humanitarian spheres. We are grateful to our partners for their significant contribution to the support of macro-financial stability and economic growth of Ukraine in the time of war," emphasized Marchenko.

The conclusion of this agreement, as indicated, was envisaged by the Memorandum of Understanding on the suspension of payments on public debt with a group of official creditors of Ukraine from the G7 countries and the Paris Club.

Посол США та міністр фінансів обговорили зобов'язання України з обслуговування боргів 28.03.24, 22:50


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