
Ukraine would not have lost Avdiivka if all ammunition had been provided - Kuleba

 • 56815 переглядiв

Ukraine would not have lost the city of Avdiivka if it had received more artillery ammunition for its defense, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said.

The city of Avdiivka would not have been lost if Ukraine had "received all the artillery shells necessary for its defense." This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba to CNN, reports UNN.


Ukrainian soldiers "should be paid tribute" for standing up to Russia and sacrificing their lives on the front line, Kuleba said.

But the reason why they have to sacrifice themselves and die is because someone is still debating the solution. I respect internal politics and I will not interfere in it, but I just want everyone to remember that every day of debate in one place means another death in another place

noted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Kuleba said that the war will continue and "Russia does not intend to pause.


White House official John Kirby also blamed the Republicans in Congress for the withdrawal from Avdiivka.

Let's be clear about this: Ukraine's decision to withdraw from Avdiivka was not because they were not brave enough, not because they were not well led, not because they were not trained, it was because they did not have the tactical savvy to defend themselves and to protect this city. This happened because of the inaction of Congress

Kirby said on Tuesday, February 20.

Палата представників Конгресу США пішла на перерву до 28 лютого16.02.24, 04:09


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