
Ukraine's Ambassador to the U.S. reacts to the House of Representatives' approval of aid to Ukraine

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Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S. Oksana Markarova thanked the House of Representatives for passing the Ukraine Assistance Bill and promised to continue to work for Ukraine's victory, which is necessary for the world to live under the rule of law.

Ukraine's Ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova thanked the House of Representatives for voting for the bill to help Ukraine. She wrote about this on her Facebook page, UNN reports.


I thank the Speaker, all the committee co-chairs, and each and every one of you who voted YES. I apologize to all my colleagues in Congress for my often excessive persistence all this time, but I promise to continue to do so, because Ukraine's victory is necessary for Ukrainians and the world if we are to live under the rule of law, not the rule of aggressors and terrorists

Markarova wrote.

She informed that the document is now being sent to the Senate, where both Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and Republican leader Mitch McConnell assured Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal of their support for the bill, following his request to speed up its adoption.

Палата представників США схвалила законопроєкт щодо допомоги Україні20.04.24, 21:07


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