
Ukrainian archer Mykhailo Usach wins first Olympic license in archery for Paris 2024

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Mykhailo Usach won Ukraine's first Olympic license for the 2024 Games in archery, defeating the silver medalist from Italy at the European qualifying tournament in Essen, Germany.

Mykhailo Usach won the first Olympic license for Ukraine for the 2024 Games in archery in Essen, defeating the Italian silver medalist. This was reported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, UNN reports.


Ukrainian archer Mykhailo Usach won Ukraine's first Olympic license for the 2024 Games in archery.

He won this victory at the European Qualifying Tournament in Essen, Germany, where the 27-year-old Ukrainian defeated the 2020 Olympic silver medalist Mauro Nespoli of Italy 6-4 in the quarterfinals.

Usach reached the semifinals along with a shooter from Slovenia and two representatives of the Netherlands.

According to the terms of the tournament, only one license was drawn per country, and Mykhailo Usach managed to get into the top three of the competition to get a pass to Paris 2024.


Today, the European Archery Championships will begin in Essen, where participants will be able to compete for team licenses for the upcoming Olympic Games.

Олімпіада-2024: українські спортсмени здобули 67 ліцензій на змагання в Парижі17.04.24, 13:39


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