
Ukrainian partisans show one of the largest russian oil depots in occupied Crimea

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Ukrainian partisans from the ATES underground movement have successfully reconnoitered one of russia's largest oil depots in the heavily guarded occupied Crimea and provided detailed information and coordinates of the facility.

Ukrainian guerrillas in occupied Crimea managed to reconnoiter one of the largest oil depots in russia, which is closely guarded. This was reported by UNN with reference to the underground movement "ATESH".


The guerrillas said that had been actively monitoring this oil depot since the end of last year. 

We were able to record the logistics routes and equipment used to transport oil products. The entire area is fully fenced, constantly patrolled and has dozens of cameras around the perimeter. They are installed both in prominent places and in points for hidden video recording, which demonstrates how much the occupiers value this facility

- ATES said. 

They also emphasized that the published photos were taken back in February. ATES also provided the coordinates of the tank farm: 45.689880, 34.369375.

Окупанти активізують будівництво укріплень у Криму на тлі міжнародної допомоги Україні - "АТЕШ"23.04.24, 13:51


Ukrainian guerrillas from the ATES underground movement conduct massive reconnaissance operations to identify oil depots and other important facilities in Sevastopol, providing detailed coordinates of the objects.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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