
Up to 8 months: the Ministry of Defense announced how much time is allocated for the development of the draft law on demobilization

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Up to eight months have been allotted for the development of a separate draft law on the demobilization of military personnel in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

The drafting of a separate bill on the demobilization of servicemen will take up to eight months, according to the order of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security. Work on the draft law will be carried out in cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, as the General Staff has a complete picture, situation and prospects. This was announced by the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense Dmytro Lazutkin during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

The provision on demobilization after 36 months was present  in the first reading, but now there were wishes from the General Staff, which understands the operational situation, understands the threats and risks facing the state. We cannot make hasty decisions now. There are a lot of populist opinions out there, but we must realize that the escalation of Russian aggression continues.

- Lazutkin explained.


He noted that Russia's offensive is literally along the entire front line and that the Defense Forces cannot be weakened at this time.

У Комітеті нацбезпеки пояснили, коли буде доручення про розробку законопроєкту щодо демобілізації 10.04.24, 16:01

Apparently, there is an instruction from the parliamentary committee to develop a new law that will deal directly with rotation and demobilization within eight months. We are starting from this, because it is very necessary. It is clear that people who have been fighting and holding the line since 2022 are getting tired and exhausted. But at the same time, we need to replenish it, and a lot of provisions will need to be regulated and approached in detail, because more than  4 thousand amendments to the law on mobilization make it difficult to adopt provisions on demobilization.

 ," Lazutkin said.

According to him, the provisions on demobilization will be considered in a separate draft law.

When asked whether eight months were allotted for the drafting of the demobilization law, Lazutkin replied: "This is in the conclusion of the parliamentary committee. Up to eight months".

Lazutkin  said that the work on the draft law will be carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff, because the General Staff has a complete picture, situation and prospects.

We have to build on all scenarios, including those that are not optimistic.

- Lazutkin added.


On April 9, UNN sources reportedthat demobilization is planned to be excluded from the draft law on mobilization.

 MP Oleksiy Honcharenko reported later that  the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence , while discussing amendments to the draft law on mobilization, excluded provisions on demobilization and rotation of military personnel.

On April 10, Goncharenko reportedthat  the vote on the mobilization bill is likely to take place tomorrow.

У Парламенті зареєстрували законопроєкт про терміни звільнення з військової служби10.04.24, 18:59


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