
Vatican releases updated declaration on dignity: condemns euthanasia, gender theory and surrogacy

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The Vatican has issued a 20-page declaration condemning such moral violations as euthanasia, gender theory, surrogacy, abortion, mutilation, torture, human trafficking and other acts that degrade human dignity.

The Vatican's highest doctrinal office has published a declaration on human dignity, which was five years in the making. The document condemns so-called moral violations, including gender ideology and surrogacy. This was reported by Vatican News, according to UNN.


It is noted that the 20-page Dignitas Infinita declaration lists serious violations of human dignity, according to the authors. These are all kinds of murder: genocide, abortion, euthanasia and voluntary suicide, as well as things that violate human integrity: mutilation, corporal torture and psychological violence.

It mentions inhumane living conditions, unlawful imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution, human trafficking, and shameful working conditions and exploitation of workers. The death penalty, according to the document, violates the inalienable dignity of every human being, regardless of circumstances. The document also calls such things as war, terrorism, and drug trafficking unacceptable.

The Vatican has clearly condemned abortion, noting that induced abortion has nuances that make it a particularly serious crime worthy of condemnation. The authors oppose surrogacy, arguing that it turns a child into an object and seriously violates the dignity of a woman.

The Declaration calls for the rejection of polygamy, gender theory, and sex reassignment, as "God created men and women biologically different, and people should not flirt with God by changing their sex." The list concludes with a condemnation of cyberbullying and the spread of pornography on the Internet.

France is the first in the world to enshrine the right to abortion in the Constitution3/4/24, 10:32 PM


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