
Verkhovna Rada adopts law on mobilization: main provisions and when new rules will come into effect

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The Verkhovna Rada has approved a draft law on mobilization that introduces various provisions, including requiring persons with disabilities to undergo a second medical examination after February 24, 2022, restrictions on driving for those who evade military service, and the need to carry military registration documents.

The Verkhovna Rada has approved in the second reading the draft law on mobilization #10449, which comes into force one month after the date of signing by the President. UNN provides the main provisions and changes in the law.

Thus, 283 MPs voted in favor of the draft law on mobilization. Prior to that, during the consideration of amendments to the draft law, MPs finally removed the provision on the demobilization of military personnel.

As a result of the adoption of draft law No. 10449 , the Cabinet of Ministers was automatically instructed to draft a law on the demobilization of military personnel.

Defense Ministry spokesman Dmytro Lazutkin said that up to eight months are allotted for the development of a separate draft law on demobilization, as instructed by the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security.

The main provisions of the law on mobilization include, in particular:

  • Those found to be partially fit have to undergo a second medical examination.
  • Those who received a disability group II - III after February 24, 2022 (except for military personnel) must undergo a second medical examination to determine their fitness for service.
  • As for consular services abroad, you will need to update your personal data in the TCC within 60 days. It will be possible to do this remotely by e-mail, phone or through the e-cabinet.
  • Restrictions on the right to drive for military service evaders.
  • When checking documents, an authorized representative of the TCC or a police officer will take photos and videos.
  • It is necessary to have a military registration document with you and show it at the request of a representative of the TCC, police officer or the State Border Guard Service.
  • Demobilization in connection with the release from captivity (if the servicemen did not express a desire to continue military service).


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