
Video of Ukrainian military exercises on the border with Belarus appears

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Ukrainian troops are conducting military exercises near the Belarusian border in preparation for potential threats, Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander Serhiy Nayev said.

On the Belarusian border the situation can change at any time, so the military regularly train, to repel a possible enemy attack. This was announced by the commander of the Defense Forces of of Ukraine Serhiy Nayev, reports UNN.

Strip obstacles, storming premises and strongholds, providing first aid and evacuating the wounded. assistance and evacuation of the wounded - this is a typical set of combat training in units serving in the Northern Operational Zone

wrote the commander.

He noted that the Belarusian border is currently calm, but this is not a reason for the military to relax. to relax.

На півночі створені нові мобільні вогневі групи, які захищають небо України не тільки на суходолі, а й на воді - Наєв 19.12.23, 09:18

Lilia Podolyak



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