
Vin Diesel returns to the fantastic Riddick franchise that made his name

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Vin Diesel will return to the Riddick franchise with a new film, Riddick: Fury, which will begin production in August 2024.

After a few years of hiatus, the next Riddick movie starring Vin Diesel will be released. The director of the new part of the franchise titled "Riddick: Fury" will again be directed by David Twiggy. This was reported by UNN with reference to Slashfilm.


Production on Fury will begin on August 26, 2024, and filming will take place in Germany, Spain, and the UK. Thus, the project closes the circle that Diesel and Twiggy have been striving for for some time. In 2019, the Fast and the Furious star shared on Instagram that the script for Riddick 4 was completed. It took almost five years for the duo to start working on their idea, but the premiere date has not yet been announced.

Вікенд у сімейному колі: топ фільмів для великодніх вихідних 03.05.24, 16:22

The synopsis of the fourth installment says that Riddick finally returns to his home planet, a place he barely remembers and which may be left in ruins. But there he finds other Furians fighting for their existence against a new monster. And some of these Furians are more like Riddick than he could have ever imagined.

It has not yet been announced who else will star alongside Diesel. The actor will additionally produce the film alongside Samantha Vincent, Torsten Schumacher, Lars Sylvester and Joe Neurauter. It is not known if the actors from the previous Riddick films, 2000's Pitch Black, 2004's The Riddick Chronicles and 2013's Riddick, will be involved.


Riddick became a hit, grossing $98.3 million at the global box office against a budget of $38 million. This kept the hope alive for a fourth movie for more than a decade. It is not yet known whether Universal Pictures will work with them again to distribute the new movie, but the rights to it have already been sold in various international markets around the world.

Актори хітового фільму жахів "Відьма з Блер" вимагають справедливої компенсації від компанії-дистриб’ютора 23.04.24, 12:56


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