
We clearly understand the situation at the front and are ready to make decisions: Umerov on working visit to the frontline

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Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov and Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi regularly visit combat brigades on the front line to understand the situation, discuss challenges with unit commanders and make decisions to support the troops and achieve victory.

Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov made a working visit to the combat zone, visiting brigades and discussing frontline challenges with unit commanders, UNN reports with reference to the Defense Ministry.

"I spent every day in the brigades fighting in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. We honestly discuss frontline challenges with unit commanders. We help them find the necessary solutions. We do not turn a blind eye to problems. We clearly understand the situation at the front and are ready to make decisions," said the Minister of Defense.

According to Rustem Umerov, every head of a military command and control body must be in constant contact with the units.

Сирський заявив, що у Силах оборони розпочались ротації підрозділів з передової 14.03.24, 14:20

"The Commander-in-Chief and I regularly visit combat brigades to understand the situation on the front lines and support commanders. Getting first-hand information about the capabilities, management problems and needs of the units allows us to make better and faster decisions. This is the key to winning a dynamic war. Our task is to create capabilities and build a system that will provide us with an advantage over the enemy," the Defense Minister added.

Ситуація на Східному фронті складна: Сирський та Умєров відвідали позиції бригад на передовій13.03.24, 13:30

"I see how Commander-in-Chief Syryskyi regularly works with his units in the field. He lives the war, he makes decisions, he cares about the soldier. I am grateful to the Commander-in-Chief for his conscientious daily work. The units must see that we are with them. And we will be there for them until victory, no matter how hard it is. We act as a team. We are united for the sake of victory!" - Umerov emphasized.


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