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Court orders the Netherlands to stop supplying spare parts for F-35 fighter jets to Israel

A Dutch court ordered the government to stop exporting parts of F-35 fighter jets to Israel because of the risk of violating international law through their possible use in military operations.

War • February 12 2024, 11:00 AM  •  30747 views
Court orders the Netherlands to stop supplying spare parts for F-35 fighter jets to Israel

Poland wants to publish a list of companies that imported Ukrainian grain worth almost one and a half billion euros

Poland's deputy agriculture minister said the country will publish a list of companies that imported large quantities of cheap Ukrainian grain while Polish farmers were experiencing financial difficulties.

Politics • February 12 2024, 10:59 AM  •  27867 views
Poland wants to publish a list of companies that imported Ukrainian grain worth almost one and a half billion euros

Biden calls Trump's remarks on NATO terrible and dangerous

US President Joe Biden reacted to the statements of his predecessor, Donald Trump, who said that he had threatened allies to "encourage" Russian aggression in order to force them to increase their contributions to collective security.

Politics • February 12 2024, 10:57 AM  •  26350 views
Biden calls Trump's remarks on NATO terrible and dangerous

Ukraine's first recruitment center for the Defense Forces opened in Lviv

The first Ukrainian Army Recruitment Center was opened in Lviv as a pilot project for transparent and efficient recruitment of military personnel.

Society • February 12 2024, 10:50 AM  •  27970 views
Ukraine's first recruitment center for the Defense Forces opened in Lviv

Poland predicts up to 2% GDP growth thanks to Ukrainian emigrants

According to the Polish deputy minister, Ukrainian emigrants will contribute to Poland's GDP growth by 1. 2-2 percentage points over the next 5 years.

Economy • February 12 2024, 10:45 AM  •  101482 views
Poland predicts up to 2% GDP growth thanks to Ukrainian emigrants

Military headquarters building catches fire in Stavropol: evacuation is underway, rescuers are working

A fire has broken out in the headquarters building of a Russian military unit in Stavropol, and rescuers are working to evacuate people and bring the blaze under control.

News of the World • February 12 2024, 10:43 AM  •  23870 views
Military headquarters building catches fire in Stavropol: evacuation is underway, rescuers are working

Almost 250 explosions: russians shelled Chernihiv region 56 times in a week

The head of the Chernihiv regional military administration said that over the past week, russian troops fired 56 times at 19 localities in the region and carried out six air strikes.

War • February 12 2024, 10:42 AM  •  24713 views
Almost 250 explosions: russians shelled Chernihiv region 56 times in a week

The NBU has given a forecast for utility tariffs: what to expect

The National Bank of Ukraine predicts that the moratorium on certain housing and utility tariffs, such as heating and hot water, will remain in effect until the end of martial law, but that tariffs will need to be gradually increased to economically justified levels over several years.

War • February 12 2024, 10:34 AM  •  28238 views
The NBU has given a forecast for utility tariffs: what to expect

Border guards detain man who recruited women for sex work in Italy

Border guards detained a man who tried to take four girls abroad to provide sex services in Italy.

Crimes and emergencies • February 12 2024, 10:34 AM  •  21952 views
Border guards detain man who recruited women for sex work in Italy

russians betrayed local patriots: a businessman-collaborator was killed in occupied Berdiansk

In occupied Berdiansk, a local collaborator businessman was killed who helped russians seize local businesses and denounced Ukrainian patriots.

War • February 12 2024, 10:31 AM  •  57348 views
russians betrayed local patriots: a businessman-collaborator was killed in occupied Berdiansk