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Fergus storm hits Ireland: winds knock down trees and tear off roofs

Storm Fergus hit Ireland with wind speeds of 117 km/h, causing significant damage in Galway County, knocking down trees and tearing off roofs.

News of the World • December 12 2023, 10:33 AM  •  36948 views
Fergus storm hits Ireland: winds knock down trees and tear off roofs

SBU: FSB informant passes geolocations of Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donetsk region to occupants through "liaison" with UOC (MP)

The Security Service of Ukraine detained an FSB informant who passed on the geolocation of Ukrainian forces in Donetsk to Russia, and her contact was a priest of the UOC (MP). She faces up to 8 years in prison.

Crimes and emergencies • December 12 2023, 10:32 AM  •  35562 views
SBU: FSB informant passes geolocations of Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donetsk region to occupants through "liaison" with UOC (MP)

Interior Minister responds to Kyivstar outage

Kyivstar has experienced a major outage, leading to disruptions in mobile and internet services. Minister of Internal Affairs Klymenko advises those affected to seek emergency assistance from emergency services or use Wi-Fi at "points of invincibility"

Society • December 12 2023, 10:21 AM  •  32590 views
Interior Minister responds to Kyivstar outage

Due to workload, consideration of complaint against actions of Supreme Court judges in Shepelev's case may be delayed for months, but there is a chance for a legal decision - AntAC

HCJ may delay consideration of complaint against judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in Shepelev case.

Crimes and emergencies • December 12 2023, 10:21 AM  •  124542 views
Due to workload, consideration of complaint against actions of Supreme Court judges in Shepelev's case may be delayed for months, but there is a chance for a legal decision - AntAC

Blockade remains at three checkpoints on the border with Poland, Yahodyn unblocked - Derkach

According to the deputy minister, the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint on the border with Poland has been opened and more than 100 cars have passed through it. However, the other three checkpoints with Poland remain blocked

Society • December 12 2023, 09:59 AM  •  37744 views
Blockade remains at three checkpoints on the border with Poland, Yahodyn unblocked - Derkach

Smashed windows and shattered roofs: the OVA showed the consequences of the morning attack on a residential area of Kherson

Russian forces shelled the central part of Kherson, wounding a 29-year-old man and damaging residential buildings.

War • December 12 2023, 09:57 AM  •  56509 views
Smashed windows and shattered roofs: the OVA showed the consequences of the morning attack on a residential area of Kherson

CCU to check the legality of limiting the maximum pension amount

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is to assess the legality of the law limiting pensions to 10 subsistence minimums following an appeal pointing to potential violations of the Constitution.

Society • December 12 2023, 09:53 AM  •  30761 views
CCU to check the legality of limiting the maximum pension amount

Expert: Ukrainian legislation is unfriendly to investors and shareholders

Ukrainian legislation is criticized for its unfriendly approach to shareholders and investors, especially in the banking sector.

Economy • December 12 2023, 09:53 AM  •  143872 views
Expert: Ukrainian legislation is unfriendly to investors and shareholders

Scandinavian Airlines stops selling Nesquik cocoa as Nestle is blacklisted in Ukraine

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) stopped selling Nesquik due to Nestlé's blacklisting in Ukraine, following similar actions with PepsiCo and Mondelez products.

Economy • December 12 2023, 09:53 AM  •  28192 views
Scandinavian Airlines stops selling Nesquik cocoa as Nestle is blacklisted in Ukraine

Electricity consumption in Ukraine decreased amid warming, no deficit is expected - Ukrenergo

Electricity consumption in Ukraine declined slightly due to warm weather, which helped avoid potential shortages despite high overall consumption.

Economy • December 12 2023, 09:45 AM  •  25595 views
Electricity consumption in Ukraine decreased amid warming, no deficit is expected - Ukrenergo