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January 2: Cat's New Year, Introvert's Day

Today, on January 2, everyone who has cats at home can arrange a holiday for their pets and organize a Cat's New Year for them. Introverts also celebrate their holiday today.

UNN Lite • January 2 2024, 04:19 AM  •  50576 views
January 2: Cat's New Year, Introvert's Day

Rain with sleet and up to 8° C: weather forecast for today

Today in Ukraine, the weather is rainy and windy with a risk of sleet and ice on the roads; the temperature will range from -2 to +8°C.

Society • January 2 2024, 04:00 AM  •  44459 views
Rain with sleet and up to 8° C: weather forecast for today

Ukrainian polar explorers show how penguins "ride" on Antarctic slopes

Ukrainian scientists have filmed Adélie penguins sliding on their bellies on the Antarctic slopes. This is how the birds save energy while moving on land.

UNN Lite • January 2 2024, 03:28 AM  •  37995 views
Ukrainian polar explorers show how penguins "ride" on Antarctic slopes

A controversial law restricting the rights of indigenous peoples and paving the way for deforestation has come into force in Brazil

A new law in Brazil limits indigenous land claims to territories occupied before October 1988. The opposition argues that this law means a victory for agribusiness and will be the beginning of large-scale deforestation.

News of the World • January 2 2024, 02:00 AM  •  33775 views
A controversial law restricting the rights of indigenous peoples and paving the way for deforestation has come into force in Brazil

Nobel Peace Prize winner sentenced to prison term in Bangladesh

Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, who created microcredit, was sentenced to prison for violating labor laws along with three employees of his company. He was released on bail with the right to appeal.

News of the World • January 2 2024, 01:00 AM  •  33066 views
Nobel Peace Prize winner sentenced to prison term in Bangladesh

This year's first Quadrantid meteor shower: when does it peak

The Quadrantid meteor shower will peak on January 3-4, with up to 120 meteors per hour, best observed from the northern hemisphere.

Society • January 2 2024, 12:10 AM  •  35063 views
This year's first Quadrantid meteor shower: when does it peak

Ukrainians complain of sleep disturbances and anxiety: the Ministry of Health has given advice on where to turn

Amid rising anxiety and sleep disorders, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine advises to consult a family doctor.

Health • January 1 2024, 11:05 PM  •  33080 views
Ukrainians complain of sleep disturbances and anxiety: the Ministry of Health has given advice on where to turn

On January 1, the law on the legalization of same-sex marriage came into force in Estonia

On January 1, 2024, Estonia became the first country in the post-Soviet space to legalize same-sex marriage.

News of the World • January 1 2024, 10:23 PM  •  34027 views
On January 1, the law on the legalization of same-sex marriage came into force in Estonia

The idea that Mr. Putin is winning is nothing more than a "feeling": Zelensky for The Economist

Zelenskiy argues that Russia is not winning the war and continues to suffer heavy losses, contrary to popular belief; he warns against complacency among Western allies.

War • January 1 2024, 10:19 PM  •  56568 views
The idea that Mr. Putin is winning is nothing more than a "feeling": Zelensky for The Economist

Two men died in a road accident in Poltava region

Two men were killed in a car accident after their car crashed into a tree in Poltava region.

Crimes and emergencies • January 1 2024, 10:07 PM  •  33362 views
Two men died in a road accident in Poltava region