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Tortured men: two employees of Ternopil shopping center to stand trial

Two servicemen of the Ternopil TCC of the JV are accused of beating, torturing and imprisoning two men.

Crimes and emergencies • January 8 2024, 01:33 PM  •  26333 views
Tortured men: two employees of Ternopil shopping center to stand trial

Zelenskyy called on the Emir of Kuwait to discuss cooperation in the energy and agricultural sectors

Zelenskyy discussed energy and agricultural cooperation with the Emir of Kuwait, emphasizing mutual support and peaceful efforts.

Politics • January 8 2024, 01:28 PM  •  33272 views
Zelenskyy called on the Emir of Kuwait to discuss cooperation in the energy and agricultural sectors

Galician beaches face environmental disaster due to millions of pellets lost by container ship in Portuguese waters

Galician beaches are suffering from a plastic pellet spill after a container ship lost its cargo, prompting hundreds of volunteers to clean up the pollution.

News of the World • January 8 2024, 01:28 PM  •  31278 views
Galician beaches face environmental disaster due to millions of pellets lost by container ship in Portuguese waters

Russia has formed the most aggressive alliance possible: Podolyak on global politics

Mykhailo Podoliak warns that Russia, leading an aggressive alliance, will escalate conflicts around the world if it does not lose the war.

Politics • January 8 2024, 01:24 PM  •  31057 views
Russia has formed the most aggressive alliance possible: Podolyak on global politics

Palestinians evacuate hospital in central Gaza amid Israeli advance

As IDF troops advance in Gaza, Palestinians panic and evacuate one of the main hospitals in the city's central part.

News of the World • January 8 2024, 01:20 PM  •  28300 views
Palestinians evacuate hospital in central Gaza amid Israeli advance

Forecasters warn of severe icy conditions on the roads, danger level I: weather for tomorrow

On January 9-10, ice is expected on the roads, with temperatures dropping to -20°C at night.

Society • January 8 2024, 01:15 PM  •  27904 views
Forecasters warn of severe icy conditions on the roads, danger level I: weather for tomorrow

Yermak discusses initiative to return deported children with Vatican Secretary of State

Yermak discussed with Cardinal Parolin the Vatican's assistance in returning deported Ukrainian children and reaffirmed Ukraine's resilience in the face of attacks.

Politics • January 8 2024, 01:07 PM  •  30791 views
Yermak discusses initiative to return deported children with Vatican Secretary of State

No more than 5-7%: the expert announced how much food prices may rise in January-February

Food prices in Ukraine are expected to grow by 5-7% due to seasonal factors affecting dairy, meat and vegetable products, said Denys Marchuk.

Economy • January 8 2024, 12:58 PM  •  220572 views
No more than 5-7%: the expert announced how much food prices may rise in January-February

"It's time to act, Ukraine!": a rehabilitation room for injured soldiers opened in Khmelnytsky Oblast

A new rehabilitation room for wounded soldiers has been opened in Khmelnytsky Oblast, funded by a UAH 100,000 grant from the Time to Act, Ukraine initiative.

Society • January 8 2024, 12:52 PM  •  23221 views
"It's time to act, Ukraine!": a rehabilitation room for injured soldiers opened in Khmelnytsky Oblast

"We take it very seriously": the European Commission commented on Russia's possible use of North Korean missiles against Ukraine

European Commission comments on Russia's possible use of North Korean missiles against Ukraine.

Politics • January 8 2024, 12:49 PM  •  26680 views
"We take it very seriously": the European Commission commented on Russia's possible use of North Korean missiles against Ukraine