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Ukraine works with partners to secure $37 billion to cover state deficit

The Prime Minister of Ukraine announced that the government is working weekly with partners to attract USD 37 billion in external financing to cover the state budget deficit.

Economy • February 16 2024, 02:56 PM  •  24276 views
Ukraine works with partners to secure $37 billion to cover state deficit

Schoolchildren will continue to study remotely in Sumy

Schoolchildren in Sumy will continue distance learning for another week due to the high incidence of infectious diseases.

Society • February 16 2024, 02:56 PM  •  23467 views
Schoolchildren will continue to study remotely in Sumy

russians shelled a village in Kharkiv region: a 52-year-old man was killed and another person was wounded

russian artillery shelling of the village of Vovchanski Khutory in Kharkiv region killed one person and injured another.

War • February 16 2024, 02:43 PM  •  22590 views
russians shelled a village in Kharkiv region: a 52-year-old man was killed and another person was wounded

Ukraine will form a team for negotiations on EU accession in the first half of 2024 - Shmyhal

The Prime Minister of Ukraine has announced that in the first half of 2024, Ukraine will form a team to negotiate accession to the European Union.

Announcements • February 16 2024, 02:43 PM  •  20660 views
Ukraine will form a team for negotiations on EU accession in the first half of 2024 - Shmyhal

Russians in the TOT "nationalize" private real estate of Ukrainians deported to Russia - CNS

Russians in the occupied Ukrainian territories put abandoned private houses of Ukrainians, including those whose owners were deported, on the lists for "nationalization.

War • February 16 2024, 02:41 PM  •  20587 views
Russians in the TOT "nationalize" private real estate of Ukrainians deported to Russia - CNS

Almost UAH 300 million in losses: Kyivavtodor CEO is served with a notice of suspicion

The General Director of Kyivavtodor and the former head of one of Kyiv's municipal enterprises were served a notice of suspicion of causing losses in the amount of almost UAH 300 million through illegal dumping of waste on land plots intended for snow storage.

Kyiv • February 16 2024, 02:32 PM  •  104258 views
Almost UAH 300 million in losses: Kyivavtodor CEO is served with a notice of suspicion

"The water in the taps is safe": Kharkiv Regional Water Administration says the fire at the oil depot did not affect the quality of drinking water

The head of the Kharkiv regional state administration said that although the attack on the oil depot resulted in a spill of fuel and lubricants, the fuel did not get into drinking water sources.

Society • February 16 2024, 02:28 PM  •  24550 views
"The water in the taps is safe": Kharkiv Regional Water Administration says the fire at the oil depot did not affect the quality of drinking water

Ukraine considers anti-Ukrainian rallies in Poland unacceptable - MFA

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine considers anti-Ukrainian protests in Poland unacceptable and calls on the Polish authorities to take a constructive approach to resolving issues related to the transit of Ukrainian grain and trade.

Society • February 16 2024, 02:27 PM  •  23352 views
Ukraine considers anti-Ukrainian rallies in Poland unacceptable - MFA

"I hope that the United States of America will not 'fall away'" - Zelenskyy on US aid

Zelenskyy expects the U. S. Congress to approve further aid to Ukraine to continue its defense against Russian aggression.

War • February 16 2024, 02:22 PM  •  23381 views
"I hope that the United States of America will not 'fall away'" - Zelenskyy on US aid

Ukraine plans to create its first own demining vehicles this year

According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, this year Ukraine plans to create the first domestic demining vehicles and increase the number of sappers by at least 10%.

War • February 16 2024, 02:17 PM  •  25141 views
Ukraine plans to create its first own demining vehicles this year