
"Elections without a choice": Stefanchuk calls on Danube Initiative countries not to recognize the results of the vote in Russia

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Stefanchuk called on the countries of the Danube Initiative not to recognize the fake "presidential elections" held by Russia.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk called on the member states of the European Union's Danube Initiative not to recognize the results of the so-called "presidential elections" in Russia. He said this on the social network X, UNN reports

Stefanchuk emphasized that Russia "is trying to cynically trample on generally accepted rules and norms, and the latest example of total disregard for freedom of choice, freedom of speech and territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine was the so-called "presidential election" in Russia." 

According to him, it was "an election without a choice." 

At a time when freedom and democracy are non-existent in Russia, it was especially cynical to hold pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories! That is why they cannot be recognized by any state or international organization

- said the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

путін “неочікувано” виграв вибори у рф: як відреагували "колеги"-диктатори та цивілізований світ18.03.24, 20:47

For reference 

The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (Danube Strategy) is a macro-regional EU initiative that was approved by the Council of the European Union on June 24, 2011  and covers 14 countries of the Danube basin, including Ukraine. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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