
GUR: Moscow conducts another information operation against Ukraine in social networks under the name "Evader"

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Moscow is conducting another information operation against Ukraine called "Evader," distributing videos of allegedly Ukrainian men vacationing abroad to disrupt mobilization and increase tensions in society.

The Kremlin is conducting a targeted propaganda campaign on social media, spreading videos of Ukrainian men allegedly vacationing abroad. The goal of this IPSO is to disrupt mobilization and increase tension in society. This is stated in a statement of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, reports UNN


According to the GUR,  recently, videos have been appearing one after another on TikTok and other social networks, in which allegedly Ukrainian men are filming themselves abroad on vacation and calling themselves "evaders.

Videos quickly gain views and favorable or  critical comments, but  this only pushes them into trends.

Reportedly, "folk" songs were simultaneously created for such content, with lyrics that always contain the main message of praising "evaders.

 The synchronized appearance of numerous songs and videos "heroizing" men who refuse to stand up for their country, the anonymity of their authors, and the promotion of this content by organized groups of bots indicate a targeted hostile propaganda campaign

- the DIU said in a statement.

Ukrainian intelligence notes that such IPSO is a classic technology for splitting society, with "defenders" on the one hand and "evaders" on the other. The purpose of such actions of the enemy is to disrupt mobilization, increase tension in society through internal confrontation.  

 "The Kremlin's propaganda does not stop trying to undermine Ukrainian society from within, to discredit the image of the Defenders of Ukraine, using any methods to do so. We urge everyone to be critical of information coming from anonymous sources and always remember that we owe the opportunity to live and consume various content on social networks only to the Defenders of Ukraine," the DIU emphasized. 

У ЦПД спростували фейк росіян про те, що Зеленський нібито готується втекти з України11.04.24, 16:21


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