
Even more modern and stylish: the Bashchinsky brand has changed its logo and product design for the first time

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The Bashchinsky brand changed its logo and product design for the first time.

The team of the Bashchynsky meat and sausage brand is changing the logo and packaging design for the first time in its history, UNN reports citing the brand's press service.


It is specified that this will be an updated Bashchinsky, which "speaks the same language with its target audience.

"The Bashchynsky brand has been on the market for a long time, it is known and loved by Ukrainians. But time does not stand still and, in accordance with the development strategy, it is time for changes for the brand - it is becoming more youthful both in its approach and external manifestations," the statement said.

The principle of the Bashchinsky brand is to be closer and more understandable to the consumer, to break down barriers and be ahead of the times, to stand out on the shelf.

"Our global objective is to modernize the brand and attract a younger target audience. At the same time, it was important for us not to lose the identity and consumers who have known and chosen Bashchinsky for many years.

Another goal was to create a unified brand block on supermarket shelves, which should improve brand visibility across all categories. Creating an eye-catching design in a very busy category of meat and sausage products is a prerequisite for being noticed by consumers.

Of course, this is only the first step towards achieving our ambitious goals over the coming years, with a focus on a strong product mix strategy, adherence to the consistent high quality standards that are the hallmark of absolutely all MHP brands and the launch of powerful advertising campaigns," says Iryna Donchenko, Head of the MHP Meat Category Brand Development Center.

By testing 5 different design concepts with consumers from different regions of Ukraine, the brand team managed to achieve the desired result and identify the undisputed leader. According to consumers, the chosen design is bright and appetizing, and emphasizes the brand's perception, making it more modern.

So, in April, the updated Bashchinsky appeared on supermarket shelves with a new logo and packaging design. "The logo has become more concise, more modern, and has not changed so much that regular consumers cannot recognize their favorite brand. All packaging and product labels are made in the same style and have the main corporate color - rich burgundy.

A modern, structured approach to redesign provides many opportunities: attracting a new audience that follows trends and clearly understands where "their own" are; creating stylistic markers - identifiers to differentiate between categories and product tastes.

It is also a step towards even greater consumer recognition and love for the expert brand of meat and sausage products Bashchynsky," the statement said.

The new design for the brand was created by the Lithuanian agency DPJN, while the overall concept and brand platform were developed by Bashchinsky's in-house creative team.

"The design is getting even cooler; the original taste, wide product range, and high quality standards remain unchanged," the statement said.

Lilia Podolyak

Business News


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